Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mukasey, the rule of law, and the Sox

From the New York Times this morning: should the President obey federal law when "defending the nation?

I want to know how we got back to this point. It seems like we swing back and forth between being a rule of law kind of nation and being a cult-of-the-leader nation. We're heading down a dangerous, dangerous path if we, as a nation, start to think that the President has the inherent authority to ignore federal law so long as he is "defending the nation." What does "defending the nation" even mean? Truman took it to mean controlling steel mills so that the bullets and tanks could continue being built during the Korean War. Bush "defends the nation" by spying on citizens and locking people away. It's too amorphous a concept to really use, and that's why it's so scary. And I'm sure Michael Mukasey knows it.

So why is he saying this stuff?

On another note, just to dilute the bullshit, an article about the Red Sox winning that doesn't include a threat to anyone's life.


Dews said...


If you ain't with us, yer against us!!!

Don't make me call up TIPS on you! God damn pinko vermont commie!

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

At least I don't wear fleece and listen to DMB. In fact, I'm wearing a tie and have Bad Religion in the car. Not all stereotypes about us New Englanders are true.

Dews said...

This is true...

Hell, I don't even really like Maple Syrup.

I'll be expecting my deportation notice soon! :)

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

Ouch, yeah, you can't be a Vermonter and dislike maple. Your Vermont Card is hereby revoked. You may reapply to re-enter the club as soon as you start loving maple syrup, maple ice cream, and maple mustard.