Thursday, November 29, 2007

MoDews is Bored

At 2:30 in the morning a quarrel between two lovers broke out on the small Castleton State College campus. The couple stormed out of the dorm building from which I was observing from the 3rd floor window. Before they even stepped out into the cold night, the heart stricken couple had been arguing. It was tough to make out what they were saying until I opened the window and the more they argued the more the plot thickened.

According to the lead male he had caught the supposed "love-of-his-life" in the bedroom of another man and the door had been locked. The girl, whose name became known as Krystal upon further continuation of the argument (didn't catch the guys name), being accused of cheating (which was most likely what she did) did something that completely took me and most likely her boyfriend off guard. She got angry and began yelling at him. Some of us know how crazy women can be sometimes and how they can always manage to surprise us, even though the guy most likely has every reason to be mad she tried to make it out like he was the cause of the problem. As the fighting continued there were tears shed and voices became harsh towards each other. Thats where the story ends because they went back inside ruining the one thing that wasn't keeping me completely bored at 2:30 in the morning.

Hope everyone enjoyed this "I can't sleep so I'm writing a random blog" story of mine. Story does have a moral to it, some women are just completely insane, as some of us might know.


Dews said...


agreed agreed agreed! :)

too much work for Dews makes for long ass days.... night all... see ya in 2-3 hours :)

SayHey Kid said...

No comment. I plead the Fif on this one.

Dews said...

The sleep thing runs in the family I think...

Case in point, I got to work almost an hour ago... Notice the time on my last post? :)

SayHey Kid said...

How do you do it? 8 hours of sleep and im still a zombie!

Dews said...

all about necessity man... I've got too much crap to do this week it seems :(

I'll catch up on my sleep when I'm dead :)