Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pardon our Absence...

We've been embarking on a multi-day "All-Time Greatest NFL" fantasy draft between 4 contributors here on LSWTF.COM.

We shall have the results for you all shortly, of course...

FYI though, Dews has an obvious lead so far...



Jack Gonzo, MD said...

If lead means going down the Hall of Fame website and taking people who are still available, then yes, Dews has a lead

SayHey Kid said...

Yeh, he also has the All-1950's Decade team to go along with that. Average age is 79 years old.

Dews said...

I think most my people are dead actually...

Its the Mr. Burns all-star softball team!

SayHey Kid said...

Unless there is a "Re-animation" feature in the sim, your toast........"Game over Man"