Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Annoyed Gym-Goers of the World! Unite!

New York stockbroker and gym-goer Christopher Carter was acquitted of assault charges today stemming from an incident that took place in his spin class some months ago. In that class, investment firm partner Stuart Sugarman began grunting and yelling things like "You go girl!" and "Good burn!" until Carter had had enough, picked up Sugarman's exercise bike by the handles, and dropped it back down on the floor. Sugarman claimed afterwards that the incident left him with injuries that caused a herniated disc in his neck.

All I can think about is the movie Dodgeball.

As a four-year, federal work study veteran of undergraduate gyms, and a gym rat since I was 15, I must applaud Mr. Carter. I cannot count the times I've seen screaming, yelling, grunting meat head fools annoy people to the point where they won't come back to a gym. When I worked in gyms as an undergrad, a week couldn't go by without some obviously insecure and overweight freshman guy or girl being scared away from the gym by these (equally obviously insecure) dirtbags screaming and yelling. It was always sad to see them trudge out the door, discouraged from doing something really good for themselves. I, for one, appauld Carter. It's time someone took back the gym.

So, what's your gym story? What gets your goat at the gym?

Good burn!


SayHey Kid said...

I’m a little mixed on the Carter/Sugarman case. There is no doubt that there was assault and Carter is technically at fault for his "Rage". Looking at the photo, you can tell he has the same "friends" as Roger Clemens. That being said, there is no law that says annoying people can’t be annoying.

I’ve had my fair share of jackasses at the gym and my weapon of choice has always been the volume button on my ipod/Discman.

Dews said...


And the juicers. I don't care what you do with your own body, but one of the places I used to lift back in VT that was pleasantly referred to as the "Juicers gym" (long story as to why I was training there, but no, no roids for me) was full of them and they are the biggest assholes in the world.

Combine that with them being Sox Fans and just IMAGINE how big the douchebaggery was...

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

Holy cheap shot Batman!

SayHey Kid said...

I didnt even mind the grunters......I hate the 1-timers who show up after New Years