Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dews don't know Politics...

Ok... So I was a little off on the Ron Paul prediction, as well as the Obama one.

Basically my assumptions where that A) New Hampshire is the Libertarian headquarters (if there is such a thing) and thusly would vote Ron Paul in as spoiler, and B) Obama would ride a wave of support and fund raising craziness into New Hampshire that would equal a definite win and possible withdrawal of Clinton...

Obviously that didn't happen! :)

I can blame the Wilder (or Bradley) effect for this and make excuses, but it was obviously a bit off.
Also for you Huckabee Fans out there, I think his 3rd place finish still gives him the lead by a considerable margin, just as long as he can continue to figure out the fundraising operations.

Anyway, busy day in Politics though as various talking heads have come forward to bitch and moan about their own reasons for being so off on the polls. My personal favorite talking head is Donna Brazile as she is legendary for losing just about every campaign she was involved in, but still somehow qualifies as a "pundit". I really need that gig...

She apparently is offended by how former President Bill Clinton has been attacking Obama:

She goes on to say that Bill Clinton's involvement in Hillary's campaign is a mistake, which really just puts the cherry on top for me. She obviously didn't learn from Al Gore's mistake in not including ol Bubba in on the fun last time around.

Lets face it, the American people associate Bill with great economic times and it certainly shows that he's rubbed some of that good mojo onto Hillary's camp (whether through his own campaigning for her, or just our association with the name). Judging from the NH polls, the people that cared the most about the Economy and which candidate would be better suited to manage it (though none of them have really dealt with a budget outside of Gov Richardson), it was overwhelmingly in favor of Clinton...

Donna Brazile is a freakin idiot is basically what I'm getting at here... Hillary needs Bill just as much as Al did, but chose not to. I feel better having been so far off on Ron Paul when so-called "professionals" still can't make sense of how valuable Billy boy still is to becoming president.


SayHey Kid said...

Romney is leading the Republicans right now with 24 Delegates and Obama is leading Dems with 25. Romney is a shoe in for Michigan. The true test is South Carolina.

Jack Gonzo, MD said...

Like I said last night, Hillary just needs to go into seclusion and have Bill do all the campaigning

Dews said...

SayHey, I don't mean Huckabee is the leader in Delegates, I mean moreso in appeal.

The fact that he came in third in such a secular state tells me he has far more appeal nationally then Romney does (that and he's not Mormon).

SayHey Kid said...

I agree with Shane on this one

SayHey Kid said...

Ahhhh gotcha. CNN called Huckabee's 11% a mild success. I call it a frightening reminder that people in this country do in fact were living under a rock for the past 7 years.

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

All this proves is that 39% of New Hampshire Democrats are certifiable assholes.

But, really, don't we all just want Bill to run for Prez-zilla again?

DC&H: hating the 22nd Amendment since 2000.

SayHey Kid said...

Apparently crying is the new "tough" in New Hampshire.

"Theres no crying in baseball!!"