Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Gays did not make me fail the bar exam"

A few months ago, a would-be Massachusetts lawyer filed suit in federal court against the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners, claiming that he failed the MA bar exam because it included a patently offensive question about the legitimacy of gay marriage. I guess the guy missed out on passing by one question.

Well, fast forward a few months, and the guy has issued an apology. Claiming that his lawsuit was an affront to core American values and had become a tool for religious discrimination, the applicant, an Irish immigrant, compared the plight of gays and lesbians to that of the Irish when the Irish first came to America.

I guess I can't argue with the comparison too much, except gays and lesbians probably have had it a lot worse than us fish-eating papist Micks (love that, an ex-girlfriend's Protestant grandfather used to love calling his son-in-law that gem). This guy had some balls though, and this goes down as one of the greatest excuses for failure I've ever heard. "I'm sorry sir, I cannot pass this exam, it talks about the gays." Wow. I just wonder what his excuse for failure is now. Couldn't understand our crazy American use of English, perhaps?

So, question of the day, what's the greatest excuse for failure you've ever used? Please keep the "I'm sorry, honey, I've just had way too much to drink" stories to yourselves.


SayHey Kid said...

Wow......Good post DC&H. I needed a laugh after todays horseshit of a day.

I failed a test Junior Year because I spent the weekend before a mid-term in Las Vegas and not studying. I was up front and honest with my professor so he let me retake the test. Got a B+ to boot.

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

You're very welcome. It's the least I could do after busting your balls on Rickey Henderson.

Dews said...

"I'm sorry, honey, I've just had way too much to drink" ???

how about just "Blar! zzzzzzzzzz...."

whats with the complete sentances? you don't drink much do you?

SayHey Kid said...

Yeh, but its fun to argue with a lawyer. My cousin is a lawyer and him and I get into spats all the time.

I can only imagine what Dews school failure excuses are "uhhmmm I was told those are pencil shavings!!"

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

Dews - you've hung out with me way too much and too recently to question whether I drink much. I recall a hotel incident recently...

Sayhey - fighting with lawyers is a bad idea. Trust me, I do it way to much. Lots of frustration, lots of frustration

Dews said...

Allergic to homework, was pretty simple.

Dews said...

DC&H, my apologies, just that your "excuse" sounded far to lucid (sp?) to sound like a drunk person making an excuse for performance issues :)

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

I dunno, you seem pretty lucid to me when you're drunk. Then again, when you're drunk, I'm usually way more drunk, so I might not be the best judge. But I think I maintain sentence-formation abilities longer than the average person.

Jack Gonzo, MD said...

He is fairly lucid, his memory though leaves quicker then the Timberwolves playoff chances

PokerFace said...
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Dews said...

hahaha! I remember some stuff...

Like, where I was, and some of the people I may have been hangin out with... :)