Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm glad I'm an Alpha, because Alphas wear red. Betas wear ugly Green...

We are finally one step closer to the scary vision of Aldus Huxley circa 1930's. We are within reach of creating an entirely synthetic lifeform...

US scientists have taken a major step toward creating the first ever artificial lifeform by synthetically reproducing the DNA of a bacteria, according to a study published Thursday.

The move, which comes after five years of research, is seen as the penultimate stage in the endeavour to create an artificial life form based entirely on a man-made DNA genome -- something which has tantalised scientists and sci-fi writers for years.

This is a potentially wonderful discovery, but at the same time raises all kinds of ethical and moral issues. Should creating life from scratch in a tube (essentially, thats obviously an over-simplification) be something we as a society strive to master?

Anyone that has read "Brave New World" (which is quoted in the article) knows the scary future in which people are essentially bred into their own caste system shows obviously the worst possible outcome of this technology, or perhaps accidentally creating an organism that becomes a virulent strain that we are unable to fight off.

The flip side of course being we could genetically engineer organisms to assist in cancer prevention, or other disease fighting properties...

What does the community think about this? I'm genuinely curious to hear what people think about this technology?


SayHey Kid said...

This has Island of Dr Moreau written all over it.

Mad scientists creating an army man-bear-pigs that will overthrow the world. Oh wait, that was Southpark

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

I for one welcome our new man-bear-pig overlords.

This is all very scary. I'd hate to see a real life version of The Stand.