Thursday, January 10, 2008

Small breaking news!

Senator Zombie (John) Kerry (D-MA), will announce today in Charleston SC his intention to endorse Obama.

Quite possibly the ballsiest move ever made by someone that probably can't decide between boxers or briefs unless a Pollster tells him which is more popular.


SayHey Kid said...

That sound you all just heard was John Edwards ego shattering.

Then again, its not the first time former running mates endoresed another candidate....I.E. Gore for Kerry in 2004

Dews said...

The polls made him do it, blame not his decision making skills for he is just a slave to the polls...


SayHey Kid said...

Yeh, apparently zombie politicians like numbers instead of brains.....Still, a bitch slap to Edwards.

Jack Gonzo, MD said...

Why does it hurt Edwards? Who out there is going to have their vote changed because John Kerry is supporting Obama? Hell, this could HELP Edwards.

Dews said...

Yea, I have a strict "No-Zombie" policy in my selection for president, so this doesn't help Obama in my book.

Just say no to Zombies America!

SayHey Kid said...

Not that his endorsment translates into "worth a damn", but they were running mates. I guess on a personal level that would be damaging.

On the Bill Press Show this morning, Press got alot of flack for telling listeners that he feels Edwards should drop out now.

Jack Gonzo, MD said...

Yes he was his running mate, but only because he needed the help. If your remember to the race that year, they were at each other's throats prior to the convention. Edwards sucked up his pride and agreed to be VP. This doesn't shock me in the least.