Monday, July 28, 2008

Java & Fish Wrap 07.28.08

Good morning ladies and gentlemen to the brand new segment here on, Java & Fish Wrap. Ideally this will be produced earlier so when you all get to work and don't feel like engaging in your jobs this may be able to distract you, even if only a little. Of course I now live in Houston and must adjust to waking up early to give this to you all...instead of staying up until five in the morning playing NCAA 09. At any rate hopefully I can inspire some of my fellow contributors to actually post again as well as my departure from the sink hole has really plummeted our postings.

This morning's first story is one I couldn't pass up. Apparently Andrew Giuliani, son of former Mayor of NYC Rudy Giuliani, was kicked off the Duke Golf team and has subsequently sued the school. It appears that "America's Mayor" has a son who is something of a bully and a spoiled lil Blue Devil, which should surprise no one who knows anyone who attended Duke. The real story that they're NOT reporting is how Andrew Giuliani was the inspiration for Syndrome from the Incredibles.

Sadly one cannot follow God and be forward thinking, least not in Tennessee. This story is heart wrenching, and I wish there was some kind of medal that could be given to the man who gave his own life to protect the children inside from that lunatic.

For all those in the Garden State and for all those who claim we never cover naughty Dems, this one is for you.

Other then legislation not moving along I don't have a problem with Senator Coburn's hold on 80 bills in the Senate. Hell, I would cherish the opportunity for debate right now. Show America, or the very few who would be watching, the ignorance of the Republican Party and how backwards they really are.

Things not to do while drunk, a.) get into a fight with your wife, b.) get into car during said fight c.) drive off while wife is on the hood of your car or d.) all of the above.

It didn't take long for Gordon Brown to get a call for resignation. You know it's bad when other Englishmen are considering you boring Gordo.

If any of you doubt the impact of Dubya these last eight years consider where the US Deficit was when he took office and where it will be when he leaves office. Bet you never expected that when you voted for the "common man" in 00.

You only have 100 more days to make your plans for Election Night.

Speaking of the election, Obama was on Meet The Press yesterday speaking on what he wants in his VP. Integrity, independence, and telling him when he's wrong, well I'm not sure where he's going to find that since Jim Webb has already said he doesn't want the job. Perhaps it is the time for Senator Obama to put a call in to Clint Eastwood.

Shia LeBouf, winner of the were tired of seeing him in every movie award, was arrested last night for a DUI after he wrecked his vehicle. I don't think any of us really care since Bumblebee wasn't actually a bug and so he can crash it all he wants as far as we care.

The Dark Knight continues on a monstrous pace and looks to hit Titanic with more then just an iceberg.

Though CityCat is outraged by the obvious snub of Cat Deely from nomination, the nominees of Outstanding Host in a Reality Series or Reality-Competition will not just be up for an award but will actually host the Emmys themselves. Now Heidi and Seacrest can obviously do this, no problem, but what happens to Jeff Probst when he goes inside? What can of fit does Howie go into when Heidi goes to give him the auf Wiedersehen? And does anyone really know who the hell Tom Bergeron is?

Finally, I am a proud fan today as yesterday Brad Ziegler set an MLB record of scoreless innings by a rookie with two innings in yesterday's win over the Rangers. In a season where we didn't expect much and have seen more then our share of surprises, it's great to have bright spots such as this.

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Brought to you by Kimberly.C

1 comment:

Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe said...

Shooting up a liberal church. As if we needed more proof that the religious right was dangerous.