Monday, January 14, 2008

Celebrity Steroid Probe

You know I never really thought about any steroid investigation involving anyone other than sports athletes. I never really cared but apparently law officials in Albany, NY do and found some very interesting names on the list of those who are known to have purchased and used steroids. Mary J Blidge, Tyler Perry, Timberland, Wycliff Jean, and 50 Cent (Big Shocker) are among the list of celebs on the list of celebs that purchased and used steroids. Im sure if they keep digging though they will find LL Cool J and Glenn Danzing, among others.

But my question to you fine people is: Do we care?? Steroids wont make a singer sing better. Sure they would look better on stage but what kind of advantage do they get? Unlike cocaine and marijuana, steroids cant help you write a better song or perform a dance move that much better. To me, they are like the drug pushers we see in the locker room every day. Very Laughable!!

On a side note, Sylvester Stallone was arrested in Japan for toting human growth hormones. YES, the same charge he got arrested for in Australia back in 2005. Shane said it best. You need to be drunk to watch Rambo IV. I say, you need to be drunk to see just about anything he is in.

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