America Has Voted And They Are In Favor Of The Big O

JackGonzo: Good evening everyone and welcome to the LSWTF Election Night Chat
SayHey: Greetings
Dews: hola gents
5:37 PM Looking interesting early already
JackGonzo: as I turn on the TV I know Indiana's polls are closed, any word?
SayHey: Yeh, just 1% in so far.......But the exit polls are the most surprising so far
JackGonzo: oh?
Dews: it is neck and neck in Indy, which bodes well for Obama
SayHey: Yeh, Indiana and Kentucky closed
5:38 PM Dews: I feel like as the more populous areas of Indy start coming in, that tally will be leaning more and more Obama
SayHey: I agree
Usually inner cities are the last to report
JackGonzo: we can hope
Dews: already is at 51%
JackGonzo: what does the misses think SayHey?
SayHey: Yeh, was 55 earlier
About the race?
5:39 PM She was in a 2 block voting line, just had to throw that out
JackGonzo: The biggest win in recent memory wass Reagan, could this beat it?
no, about Indiana will lean
SayHey: HoosierDaddy is hardcore Obama, but thinks that Indiana will vote McCant
5:40 PM JackGonzo: ah
Dews: wow, Vermont is closing soon... wonder where they'll go...
SayHey: She feels its way to racist heh......but who knows, she was in school there 5 years ago
Time changes
JackGonzo: Bama is still up in Hoosierville
SayHey: Mickey Mouse!!
JackGonzo: jesus, MSNBC is showing Grant Park in Chicago...PACKED
5:41 PM SayHey: Yeh, expecting 1 million people
JackGonzo: wow
SayHey: Yeh, booked for only 100k
But park police arent restricting
Mayor says more the merrier hah
5:42 PM Hey Stefan, why were you not allowed to vote for 10 years?
JackGonzo: so I know someone wanted to have a predict the senate races
he's been a DC resident
Skynet: Oh, DC resident.
SayHey: Oh gotcha
JackGonzo: and it's Skynet
SayHey: lol
Skynet: I voted for Prez, just not congress.
SayHey: The fun lies with the congress
JackGonzo: No surprise McCain is widening in Kentucky
5:43 PM SayHey: Yeh, thats a gimmie state
He didnt campaign there because its unwinabl
Skynet: So I'm told...unfortunately I moved to Boston, home of the two safest congressional seats ever conceived :)
JackGonzo: less barack keeps it close
SayHey: lol true
Felt good voting for Warner for Senate
JackGonzo: Obama up by 3% in Hoosier
SayHey: Nice
5:44 PM JackGonzo: Oh, no comments on the big announcement for the team?
SayHey: Quinn?? what about it
should have happened weeks ago
JackGonzo: testify
SayHey: LOL
"Now im ready"
JackGonzo: ouch, indiana just got really close
SayHey: If obama loses Ohio, im blaming Brady
5:45 PM JackGonzo: I just hope it's a sign that RAC is GONE at the end of the season
5:46 PM who knows, maybe the Niners fuck up and we can hire Singletary
SayHey: Hey, bite your tongue
JackGonzo: lol
SayHey: Get your own HOF Middle Linebacker coach
5:47 PM JackGonzo: unless we get...THE CHIN
SayHey: Its quite possible
JackGonzo: wow...msnbc has roman columns in cgi set
5:48 PM Dubya's approval rating is 28%
Dews: we have CNNHD in the front, FoxHD on small TV, and MSNBC HD on my tv in the bac here...
SayHey: Yeh, like a record low
Dews: Wolf Blitzer ain't got shit on us
SayHey: Oh, you hear about those Robo calls in Cuban Miami?
Dews: small TV is also all of 40 inches I think?
5:49 PM JackGonzo: lmao
just checked, comedy central is on at 8
SayHey: Yep
Dews: ok, MSNBC shall be changed on mine to Comedy Central then
JackGonzo: though not an all night thing as I was expecting
5:50 PM that would have been awesome
scratch that
they do have two hours starting at ten
well, ten your time
the ones at 8 must be last night
SayHey: Yeh, CNN til comedy central
5:51 PM Kentucky losing the senate race
JackGonzo: I got Maddow, Tweety, Bad Hair Gregory and KO
SayHey: Er, Dems losing
JackGonzo: raise your hand if you think Al takes Minnesota
Dews: Finally CNN is giving props to our boy Howard Dean
5:52 PM JackGonzo: everyone has today, as they should
Dews: that started this whole "Compete in every state" theory
JackGonzo: this is all HIS doing
SayHey: Lunsford......If he changed his name to Lansford. it would be different
Dews: its bout freakin time
Ryan has joined
Dews: Vermont owns the campaign process
you are all welcome
SayHey: Eh, Canada Jr
JackGonzo: one precinct in kentucky went dem
5:53 PM Dews: kills ya doesn't it SayHey?
SayHey: Wow, shocking
Eh, not really
Just like to bust your balls
JackGonzo: nah, it's Louisville
SayHey: 50-49 Indiana, Obama
Dews: ahh, Louisville I'd expect to be Dem
SayHey: Indiana is close
5:54 PM Too close
MoDews: McConnell's down now..
SayHey: Nice
MoDews: Louisville hurt him!
SayHey: I think McConnell was supposed to win
Dews: amen
yea he is
he prolly still will, but that Louisville tally hurt him I'm sure
SayHey: Yeh, perhaps
5:55 PM Dews: prolly woulda wrapped this up if he didn't look like a troll
SayHey: lol
Dews: my bad, scrunched up face troll
I'd call him poindexter, but that'd imply he'd be a normal looking geek
instead of scrunched up weirdness
5:56 PM SayHey: lol, good thing politics isnt a fashion show
Dews: in my humble opinion
of course
thats fierce
SayHey: Jesus, Jesus Christ
Josh has joined
SayHey: Obama is closing in on Kentucky
Dews: Dewey, you missed us giving props to Dean for winning this election
5:57 PM Josh: my boy
Dews: and how Vermont will be in charge of us winning this election
SayHey: I wonder if Deans chair is made of solid gold
If not, it should be
Dews: no, but he craps solid gold
Josh: he pisses excellence
Dews: thats how he was able to give all us kids free insurance
SayHey: He is excellence!
Dews: he paid for it with golden crap
SayHey: Socialist
Go back to Cuba, Dews
5:58 PM Josh: it's not socialist if he voluntarily gives us his golden crap
MoDews: Dean pisses excellence, McCain pisses blood
SayHey: This is very true
Dews: Dean revolutionized fundraising
Josh: what is this business about Dean not marrying internet donations to community organizing?
SayHey: Yep, lets all pay homage to
Josh: CNN has the dumb
Dews: yea really, I"m confused
5:59 PM SayHey: Agreed, im very dissapointed with CNN coverage
Josh: nearly 7
SayHey: Unfortunatly, Ted Turner cannot shit golden experts
VA is about to close......woot
6:00 PM Dews: he did before, but he sold CNN and all that already
Josh: the only question is whether VT goes over 65% for Obama
Dews: POLLS CLOSED!!!!!!!
Josh: haha
Dews: whoa!
SayHey: LOL
That was quick
Dews: what a shocker
Josh: I hate you Kentucky
Dews: again... you are all welcome
SayHey: Thanks, Dews
Dews: although, I was a VA voter this time
Josh: at least we joined the union before them
SayHey: You chose wisely, Dews
Dews: this is true
Josh: that means we're better than Kentucky
6:01 PM Dews: well, we didn't need this to know that
Josh: obviously
JackGonzo: sorry, being host so getting food ready and what not
SayHey: Dems won a senate seat
JackGonzo: the NC thing?
yeah saw it
first time since 52 there won't be a dole or bush in office
SayHey: Nice, fuckin Dole
6:02 PM JackGonzo: LOL love MSNBC, polls just closed and they're reporting every state...too close to call
imagine that
SayHey: haha
JackGonzo: though they appear to be calling kenfuckyurcusin for McCain
Dews: wow, I loved the CNN breakdown of VT voters
JackGonzo: oh?
6:03 PM SayHey: Yeh, i like that to
Dews: every single voting bloc EXCEPT "Conservatives" and "Republicans" voted for Obama
gee, ya think?
Josh: yeah, Steve and Dave are real pricks
JackGonzo: lol already calling win for warner
SayHey: Wooooo
Shit, losing Indiana
Josh: 1,200 votes though
6:04 PM SayHey: Yeh
Very close
Josh: interesting that McCain only won KY by 8,000
SayHey: YES
Skynet: Okay, time for me to head to a returns party, but my laptop is coming with me, so I'll be back online soon.
SayHey: COnfirmed, Mark Warner
6:05 PM Have fun
Dews: haha, with 0% reporting too
SayHey: lol This state loves Warner
Now Dems own VA
Kaine, Webb, and Warner
Josh: can I get some hologram?
6:06 PM SayHey: Dems lost the Gov seat in Indiana
Er, failed to take it
6:07 PM Josh: NYT has NH going Obama
whoa, nevermind
with a whopping 48 votes in
6:08 PM Stefan has left
6:09 PM Dews: I do kinda feel bad for Bill Bennett being stuck on CNN tonight
6:10 PM SayHey: McCain took a nice lead in Indiana
6:14 PM Dews: McCain ahead in VA,but still wayyyy too early
SayHey: VA scares me right now
Dews: no worries, way too early
SayHey: Big cities report last, im hoping this is the mountain areas
6:15 PM Dews: the fact that the Obama people came here 3 times today to stalk MoDews tells me their Org is freakin unbelievable
SayHey: close senate race in KY
MoDews: Was waiting for Biden to call me..
JackGonzo: yeah remember va was mackaka early too
Josh: CBS has Obama up in IN
Dews: WHOA
it's princess leia!
"Help me Obi Won"
SayHey: Now that is awesome
6:16 PM Dews: are you guys seeing this on CNN?
where is R2???
wayyyy too sober for this
SayHey: Me to
Where is my chinese food, damnit!
6:17 PM Dews: I have marinated steaks
JackGonzo: lol well yeah who wants that wolf blitzer smell
Josh: I'm going with muscle relaxers myself
Dews: ohh, Dewey with teh win
Josh: yep
Dews: oh sweet
6:18 PM Josh: did she just say that it took engineers three weeks to make a tent?
Dews: this has wonderful Pr0n ramifications
Josh: obviously
6:19 PM I'm waiting on holosuites myself
SayHey: wave of the future
6:20 PM Dews: one more really expensive toy...
lord knows I do NOT have enough of those
JackGonzo: woooooooo holodecks
SayHey: all i know is that i want one
6:21 PM JackGonzo: so, what are the drinks of choice tonight?
Dews: Miller
Josh: now, what was the difference between a holosuite and a holodeck?
JackGonzo: correct naming
Dews: we have Patriotic Jello Shots being brought over
SayHey: im down to my last beer
JackGonzo: lmao
SayHey: So sad
Dews: we have LOTS of beer here SayHey
Josh: I have some Magic Hats in the fridge
JackGonzo: well since we're electing a socialist I have a white russian
6:22 PM Dews: that shall be used to celebrate the Indy win, with "Sink the Biz"
SayHey: Yeh, i think we are in for the night
JackGonzo: and bought rolling rock for the name
Dews: excellent work Jack
we have some Sam Adams winter lager as well
and PBR
SayHey: brb, dinner time
JackGonzo: someone send sayhey some alcohol
SayHey: lol yes
6:23 PM Dews: I'm not leaving
I have everything I need right here
JackGonzo: lol sayhey, send the future wife!
Josh: Peter Petrelli '12
6:24 PM Dews: cavalry has arrived
Chrissy and Jenny H are here with more alcohol
JackGonzo: nice
6:25 PM lmao numbers in alaska look good for dems
6:28 PM tell chrissy...nothing...I have nothing to say after this weekend
MoDews: still looking close in Indiana.. but the dem areas haven't been counted yet
6:29 PM Josh: and he's won some formerly Republican counties
JackGonzo: yeah the big cities are always dem
6:30 PM MoDews: think Senate will have 60 dems?
6:31 PM wow Florida is looking good early..
JackGonzo: I'm thinking yes
6:32 PM I'm wondering though, more then 60?
6:33 PM right now mitch mcconnell is losing
Obama leads in ohio
6:35 PM MoDews: can't see Mitch losing.. he's pretty popular and is still the minority leader..
I think it's gonna be tough to see 60 but won't be surprised if it's 61 or 62
6:36 PM especially if McConnell does somehow lose
6:37 PM Warner is the only party change right now
6:38 PM JackGonzo: nc will likely change too
6:42 PM SayHey: We went from 39-41
We gained another senator i think
MoDews: yeah.. wasn't a change though
was Rockafellar i think
SayHey: Oh,gotcha
6:43 PM JackGonzo: yes, rockafeller has been called
SayHey: Tim Gunn should have run for the Idaho senate seat
MoDews: haha
SayHey: Would make Craig very happy
JackGonzo: lost
why idaho?
SayHey: LOL
JackGonzo: gotcha
6:44 PM SayHey: Florida is looking good so far
6:46 PM Bridget has joined
6:47 PM JackGonzo: Welcome to the party PhillyFan
on you can track the races that matter to you
PhillyFan: Helloooo
yea Dews I'm probably not gonna make it to the house
6:48 PM JackGonzo: ...I don't see Dews
is he typing?
PhillyFan: nope
JackGonzo: gotcha
6:50 PM PhillyFan: Is it just you here?
JackGonzo: no
6:51 PM they're here
but sayhey got dinner
and chrissy and jenny showed up with jello shots
so everyone has been quiet
but I have a white russian
PhillyFan: Oh ok
6:52 PM I have nothing sadly
JackGonzo: boooo
think SayHey has already drank all his
SayHey: Yeh, im all out
6:53 PM Got alittle chinese left tho
JackGonzo: just like tight ends
SayHey: VA is beginning to scare me
JackGonzo: dude
settle down
ZERO of the big cities have reported
NOVA and Hampton has not reported
SayHey: Goto MSNBC, they have a map that shows states by counties
Kinda cool
6:54 PM most of the blue areas are already counted
6:55 PM PhillyFan: Hmm I have been offered wine by my roommate, i might have a little :)
SayHey: Do it.......Do it
6:56 PM SC called
JackGonzo: DO IT
6:57 PM nice cnn
Obama is winning SC but you're callin it for mccain
SayHey: CNN could easily lose credibility here
MoDews: Yeah sorry.. me and Dews have been hanging out in the other room.. should be in periodically
6:58 PM JackGonzo: next time we hear from dews he'll be naked
MoDews: hahaha
lets all hope not..
SayHey: And Dews being the model brother, will post those on facebook
6:59 PM JackGonzo: wow Hagan is KILLING Dole
SayHey: As she should be
Dole is worthless
PhillyFan: Yum red red wine
SayHey: Dole called Hagan "godless"
Those are fightin words
JackGonzo: and sueable
7:00 PM LOL Guy on CNN just said they shouldn't have called it for McCain
SayHey: Damn, screen lite up blue
JackGonzo: polls closed and cnn is calling like ten states
7:01 PM SayHey: Very ballsy
7:02 PM JackGonzo: wow
MSNBC called PA for Obama
SayHey: Damn
Waiting for CNN to do the same
PhillyFan: yea msnbc called a lot
JackGonzo: Barack Sherman
PhillyFan: i've got msnbc
SayHey: lol
I have CNN
They have fun visuals
7:03 PM And holograms
JackGonzo: GO FLORIDA!
SayHey: Yes!!!!
PhillyFan: hmmm so my vote mattered?
JackGonzo: Yes, but Wolf Blitzer bores the hell out of me
PhillyFan: haha....i still vote pa
SayHey: Thank you for not burning down the polling areas
7:04 PM PhillyFan: eh apparently the panthers tried to fight people off in philly though
SayHey: Damnit CNN, call PA
THey should have sent some panthers down to Richmond to fight the cops
JackGonzo: lol
7:05 PM who made that decision in richmond?
The mayor is dem
SayHey: I dunno.......mayor is very Dem
DOuglas Wilder
JackGonzo: wait, how is NC too close to call?
7:06 PM SayHey: Not sure
JackGonzo: Hey, Vermont, what'
SayHey: Good to know NOVA hasnt reported yet
JackGonzo: s
SayHey: and Richmond city
JackGonzo: up with electing a Republican gov?
7:08 PM SayHey: CNN is most upseting
PA still not called
7:09 PM JackGonzo: msnbc is trying to figure out any way the mccain can win
they can't
7:10 PM SayHey: CNN wants Obama to win so badly
7:14 PM PhillyFan: brb
wine run
JackGonzo: nc is stretching more and more to obama
7:15 PM SayHey: Yeh, it looks like a blowout
JackGonzo: msnbc just said Obama won whites with college degrees 54 to 46
SayHey: lol
JackGonzo: no democrat has ever won that according to some center
7:16 PM SayHey: Kerry and Gore owned that demographic
JackGonzo: apparently not
Josh: geez
7:17 PM Dews - Pollina up over Symington
SayHey: You mean all those nascar fans who vote Repubs, have degrees?
Wonder how Heath Shuler is doing
7:18 PM JackGonzo: lamar alexander won
and so did susan fuckin collins, GOD DAMN IT!
SayHey: And Lindsey Graham
JackGonzo: hate that fuckin whore
7:19 PM brb
SayHey: ok
| 10 minutes |
7:29 PM Josh has left
7:30 PM SayHey: New Hampshire, Obama
| 9 minutes |
7:39 PM SayHey: Wow, Texas 50-49
| 5 minutes |
7:44 PM JackGonzo: ok, back
needed a smoke break
SayHey: lol
7:45 PM Texas is very close
JackGonzo: and everyone got here
SayHey: Oh, CNN finally called PA
JackGonzo: florida still obama, good good
SayHey: McCain is winning the popular vote
JackGonzo: How is Lando doing?
because the major cities aren't reporting
7:46 PM SayHey: Still owns NC but is losing VA
Alabama and Georgia called for McCain
JackGonzo: but NOVA still not reporting
he can have em\
SayHey: Only Arlington remains in NOVA
7:47 PM But city of Richmond hasnt been reported yet either
Good Million votes there
JackGonzo: fairfax hasn't reported I dont think, or alexandria
SayHey: Fairfax reported
JackGonzo: fully?
or just partially?
7:48 PM PhillyFan: Ok have I missed anything?
JackGonzo: nothing much I don't think
SayHey: PA went to Obama
Way to go PhillyFan
Alexandria has not reported in VA
So we have a shot
JackGonzo: the hamptons?
7:49 PM SayHey: Mitch McConnell is prolly havin a heart attack right now
If Lunsford takes his seat, then game over man, game over
7:50 PM PhillyFan: Oook
they call things too damn early
7:51 PM JackGonzo: yeah
didnt they learn from 00?
WV right now is obama
7:52 PM mccain is only up 75000 in va
easily catchable
Noodle: Yo
SayHey: WV is shocking
Her Noodle
JackGonzo: welcome cali
SayHey: How is life in the land of the wonderful?
7:53 PM PhillyFan: Hi Noodle
Noodle: So what's the Electoral college count.. 102-34?
JackGonzo: about
SayHey: 103-58
Obam a
Hangan is called
Er,Hagan defeats Dole
7:54 PM Noodle: hey there bridget.. do you have a long weekend?
I have Friday and Tuesday off but not monday
SayHey: PhillyFan's brain cells are stil recovering from a week long beer bindge
7:55 PM Hey Noodle, the misses wants to know if your still registered in VA or in Cali?
Noodle: Ryan - Jefff you there?
SayHey: They are hosting a post-election party
They have been on and off
PhillyFan: I took Friday off
last week and this week!
But yea Philly was fun
and going to NC for homecoming this weekend
Noodle: did you see the parade?
7:56 PM PhillyFan: oh yea I was right there at Citizen's Bank Park
Saw everything....crazy
JackGonzo: is it me, or does the mccain pic on msnbc have hi with the biggest shit eating grin
PhillyFan: and on halloween! So that was awesome too.
SayHey: How yellow are his teeth?
PhillyFan: haha
JackGonzo: cant tell, small pic, but HUGE grin
Noodle: CNN's got a bad one too
7:57 PM SayHey: Lets face it, he isnt a good looking guy
Noodle: Poll's close at 8pm tonight.. but some places still have 2 hour lines
(in CA)
SayHey: Jesus
7:58 PM Yeh, I was stuck in a 2 hour wait in Alexandria
JackGonzo: in and out here BAM!
SayHey: Alabama goes to McCant
PhillyFan: I did mail in
Noodle: In and Out is the shit, i had that for lunch on Friday
SayHey: VA is not looking good at all
F*ck you Noodle
7:59 PM Noodle: really shit.. hopefully all the results are from rural counties
SayHey: Nah, NOVA has reported, as has Richmond
Only VA Beach and Norfolk remain in terms of big cities, and they vote either way
Noodle: hmm maybe all the rich people didn't want to be taxed
8:00 PM JackGonzo: Obama is now winning popular
PhillyFan: oh yea?
JackGonzo: yup
8:01 PM Noodle: ugh so how bout them redskins?
SayHey: Them losing is Obamas victory
Jeff has left
PhillyFan: well they lost so obama could win
Noodle: hopefully so..
SayHey: I agree Philly
Noodle: Redskins O' line was a joke 7 sacks
PhillyFan: haha they would have lost either way...
Noodle: Philly is still in the NFC east
PhillyFan: sorry i can't resist
JackGonzo: wow
8:02 PM SayHey: LOL
PhillyFan: Yup! If we beat the giants we are tied
JackGonzo: Arizona...TO CLOSE TO CALL!
SayHey: Gotta beat the skins
lol i heard
PhillyFan: Really? wow...
Noodle: So ABC news is reporting Obama with 170+ electoral votes
JackGonzo: so is msnbc
SayHey: MSNBC webpage needs to update
8:03 PM PhillyFan: yea cnn has 174
JackGonzo: cnn webpage sucks
SayHey: They all suck
JackGonzo: ah, so apparently the NOVA thing is that they have BEGUN reporting, not that they have
SayHey: Obama is losing the pop vote again
Noodle: nbc 175- 70
SayHey: Ahhh nice
8:04 PM Yeh, 175-70
Noodle: so Bridget what does Stanley think of all this?
JackGonzo: cnn has obama still leading pop
SayHey: Just picked up 2 senate seats
JackGonzo: he's thinking whiskey is delicious
Noodle: haha
SayHey: Took 2 Rep seats
JackGonzo: which ones?
Jeff has joined
SayHey: NH and NM
8:05 PM Shaheen and Udall
52 dem senators
8:06 PM JackGonzo: bye bye Liberman
SayHey: Fuck Lieberman
Discrace to my Jewish bretherin
MSNBC has Obama leading the pop vote now
8:07 PM JackGonzo: lmao
Noodle: good
JackGonzo: ah va is starting to charge towards obama
Arkansas is mccain
8:08 PM PhillyFan: Oh sorry I missed that Noodle... havent talked to him since he sent a text about kentucky
He voted there today though! but I'm sure you can guess...
8:09 PM JackGonzo: he'll be happier a year from now when he realizes the world hasn't ended
8:10 PM Noodle: and his guns won't be taken away
JackGonzo: well no, they're coming hree
as you should all follow their example
PhillyFan: Yup we are leaving the country first
then texas
JackGonzo: same thing
Noodle: Mcain down to 51 % in VA
PhillyFan: haha yea...
8:11 PM JackGonzo: if the entire upper right goes blue, call it
SayHey: Still uncomfortable about va
8:12 PM JackGonzo: lady on msnbc has Shatner hair from the original star trek
PhillyFan: hahaha
see it
SayHey: lol
PhillyFan: Yes, I actually did watch star trek too
8:13 PM JackGonzo: only 27,000 vote difference in va now
Noodle: wow
SayHey: Im shocked Texas is so close
8:14 PM Noodle: said low vote total from ffx county
15% of vote in
SayHey: Oh, phew
Noodle: per abc
8:15 PM JackGonzo: yes, it always takes NOVA a while to report
SayHey: Yeh
Noodle: brb
JackGonzo: I still think Florida and VA goes Obama
Noodle: dinners ready
8:16 PM SayHey: Enjoy
JackGonzo: Apparently Crist has been "called to tallahasse on an urgent legal matter and can't attend the mccain victory party"
Arlington has ZERO percent reporting
8:17 PM Obama now stretching out the pop vote
8:19 PM mcConnell starting to stretch out the win
SayHey: Fuck, McConnell won
8:20 PM JackGonzo: maybe maybe not
still close enough to change
they can call it
SayHey: nah, cnn just called it
JackGonzo: but still close enough to change
SayHey: doubtful, but who knows
8:21 PM JackGonzo: we can hope
8:22 PM so, should we have a giant inauguration party?
since no one works tat day in dc
and we can have a nah nah nah goodbye
PhillyFan: ohio to obama
8:23 PM JackGonzo: Thank You Brady Quinn for giving us Ohio!
or should I think Phil Savage
8:24 PM Noodle: sweet
dagger for mccain
JackGonzo: he's KILLING McCain in Ohio
8:25 PM SayHey: McCain took WV
JackGonzo: he can have it
Joe Scarborough is basically calling it
SayHey: lol
JackGonzo: he's saying it's over
8:26 PM SayHey: Well, ill dance when it happens
Noodle: 195 + 55 for CA
SayHey: 195-76
8:27 PM Doesnt include WV
MSNBC hasnt called it yet
JackGonzo: 195-85
msnbc is callin louisiana for mccain
SayHey: Ohio called for Obama, on MSNBC
8:28 PM JackGonzo: welcome to the conversation sayhey
Noodle: true but when obama wins CA, mccain would almost every other open contenst
SayHey: 50-49 VA
Noodle: almost have to win i mean
8:29 PM JackGonzo: huh mississippi is still too early
SayHey: I dunno what thats about
8:30 PM JackGonzo: All I know is comedy central in 30 minutes
SayHey: lol
8:31 PM JackGonzo: New Mexico OBAMA
what did the five fingers say to the face?!
8:32 PM 200-85 obama
PhillyFan: I texted Ole Miss to try to console/be response though
SayHey: Nice
Dems predicted to win NM
JackGonzo: lol are we reading what's about sayhey?
Noodle: 13,000 vote difference in VA
JackGonzo: oh, and someone tell dews to stop motor boating
8:33 PM SayHey: He wil never stop motor boating
JackGonzo: lmao
nothing can stop the grimace
8:34 PM SayHey: CNN finally called Ohio
JackGonzo: obama now up almost 200,00 votes in popular
8:35 PM SayHey: Still very close popular vote
But Cali will give Obama the push
JackGonzo: wow, only a 6000 vote difference in missouri
SayHey: Nice
8:36 PM Cali, Washington, Oregon = Game over man
Noodle: 200 - 90
JackGonzo: cali, washington and hawaii alone right now give obama the victory
8:37 PM SayHey: Yeh, but i want to crush him
JackGonzo: yes, hence why only those three alone give him 270, with the 200 we have now
8:38 PM SayHey: Exactly
JackGonzo: cnn has a calculator
SayHey: Yeh
8:39 PM Noodle: 200-124
not sure what mccant won
8:40 PM JackGonzo: my guess has obama with 360 electoral
SayHey: I dont see that number
Noodle: ah texas to mccant
per abc
SayHey: Ohhh makes sense
8:41 PM PhillyFan: alright my computer it going crazy on me, i'm gonna turn it off
enjoy the night, will there be a chat tomorrow?
JackGonzo: maybe
we'll see how bad tonight gets
PhillyFan: alright
8:42 PM Bridget has left
JackGonzo: wow...this is gonna get REALLY ugly
8:43 PM SayHey: CNN has this race over
JackGonzo: yeah, msnbc just keeps saying with cali, oregon, wash and hawaii it's over
SayHey: Franken is getting his ass handed to him
8:44 PM JackGonzo: I only see Coleman with a 4000 vote lead
SayHey: Ah
8:46 PM Noodle: va 50-50
SayHey: Sweet
MSNBC and CNN suck
8:50 PM Mississippi goes to McCant
| 12 minutes |
9:02 PM JackGonzo: LMAO
this is fuckin hilarious
SayHey: This is awesome!!!!
Always love a guy running while on fire
JackGonzo: CityCaty has tomorrow's headline
9:03 PM America In Favor Of The Big O
SayHey: lol
I like it
9:04 PM JackGonzo: I miss anything?
SayHey: nah
This is funny as hell
JackGonzo: Franken has taken the lead in minnesota!
Noodle: msnbc showing obama leading va
9:05 PM
SayHey: Yeh, has a very narrow lead now
9:06 PM JackGonzo: HAHAHAHA
The city that never sleeps will never support a man who goes to sleep at 730
SayHey: I love this
9:07 PM LOL awesome grapjic
JackGonzo: PHE-Nomenal
SayHey: LOL no votes for Colbert
9:08 PM Obama 50-49 in VA
JackGonzo: jesus obama is KILLING in PA
SayHey: Game over man
9:09 PM JackGonzo: South Dakota abortion ban has failed
9:10 PM Contraception also has failed
Noodle: good
SayHey: Phew
Good to know some people still use their brains
9:12 PM JackGonzo: LMAO
9:13 PM SayHey: Bambi background, haha
9:14 PM JackGonzo: now I want to go bowhunting in a hangglider
SayHey: lol
Sweep the leg
9:15 PM JackGonzo: put him in a body bag!
9:19 PM Oprah is in Chicago for the party
Bill Bennett apparently just said "America has grown up."
9:20 PM SayHey: Bah
NC is getting tight
JackGonzo: it was going to be
9:21 PM SayHey: CNN just called texas......jesus, there are slow
JackGonzo: a lil
9:22 PM Noodle: wow
9:23 PM JackGonzo: wtf was that
SayHey: What does a Rhino have to do with anything
9:24 PM McCain just took the lead in NC
9:29 PM JackGonzo: only by 3000
SayHey: Obama owning VA now
Noodle: hmm wonder how much longer before its official
SayHey: Close
Noodle: official nationwide3
how close in VA?
9:30 PM SayHey: Once Cali is called, there is a good change its done
89% reported
Noodle: florida is still going obama by a wide margin
9:31 PM er more comfortable than wide but still
JackGonzo: 50,000 vote lead now for obama in va
9:32 PM SayHey: Nice
JackGonzo: milton bradley?!
is he still a ranger?
9:33 PM SayHey: Yeh
9:35 PM JackGonzo: LOL I don't have to be racist to be republican
SayHey: Wow, Franken is up
JackGonzo: well, yeah
it's minnesota
9:36 PM LOVE Minnesota with how they vote...and play baseball
SayHey: Love it
The new hippie state
Sorry Dews
Noodle: hahaha
JackGonzo: Dews, who has been MIA since Jello Shots arrived
actually the entire clan has been MIA
9:37 PM Noodle: ah whered they go?
SayHey: Hosting a house party
Noodle: ah
JackGonzo: misleader
9:38 PM one does not "host" a house party at the frat house
you two know this
it is what it is
SayHey: Well, this is one of those planned shin-digs
Noodle: they just sort of happen
JackGonzo: grrrr don't get to watch Lesner Couture fight live
9:39 PM well, maybe, if I can sneak off to Hooters after work
SayHey: Yeh, i need to make a hooters trip for that fight also
9:40 PM McCant wins SD
9:41 PM JackGonzo: hahahahahahaha
9:42 PM Colorado right now heavily obama
SayHey: Yeh, and should win that senate seat
9:43 PM Up in Montana also
JackGonzo: Obama is up by 4000 in montana which I believe is a landslide there
9:44 PM SayHey: haha true
Obama running away with VA, but losing NC
9:45 PM Noodle: hey back... ie locked up on my old crappy laptop
did i miss anything?
9:46 PM SayHey: nah, nothing really
Noodle: any news in last few mins?
JackGonzo: Dews is still motorboating
SayHey: Nope, just waiting for your state to be called in 15 minutes
haha im sure he still is
9:47 PM Noodle: is he still motorboating melissa?
JackGonzo: nooo...ashley?
SayHey: lol ashley is the new fling
Noodle: ahhh
SayHey: lol
9:48 PM I think this one is a keeper tho
JackGonzo: sounds like
and we're gonna talk about it since he's too busy with jello shots
9:49 PM SayHey: Yeh, that punk
WHen half the house is unemployed, there really isnt much else to do
Noodle: who is unemployed?
Dews: Heeeeyyyyy'
Noodle: other than jimmie
9:50 PM drunk/
Dews: dudes-
SayHey: haha dynamit
Dews: she is a keeper
SayHey: Girlfriend!!
Dews: omg
SayHey: omg??? damn, you really do like her
Dews: It's Blakeley
no no no
9:51 PM i mean
im sure he really likes her
SayHey: Ohhhhhhhhhh i was gonna say, Morrisons balls went missing
Dews: but... he didn't type that- i did
Noodle: hahaha
JackGonzo: This is Citycat, officially revoking your Guy Cards, and noting that you can NEVER EVER make fun of girls for being girly about relationships again.
No, continue.
Noodle: citycat being brenda?
9:52 PM JackGonzo: I would be lost if this was my first dance with our attempt at conversation
and yes
SayHey: LOL hey, id be single if i made fun of HoosierDaddy and her girlyness
Dews: Hey Brenda!
JackGonzo: Dews you must answer one question (HI)
to answer a thought from earlier
Noodle: less than 10 mins till ca closes
Dews: i'll relay
JackGonzo: are you naked?
Dews: yes-
9:53 PM SayHey: How would we know
Dews: but it's hard to tell -
SayHey: He is so damn hairy
Dews: b/c
damnit eric
you took the words
SayHey: I have a tendancy to read minds
Dews: so
i've heard
Noodle: morrison = sasquatch
JackGonzo: you can smell your own
SayHey: Morrison = Wookie
JackGonzo: we all saw SayHey's chest hair from halloween
9:54 PM SayHey: I am man
Dews: So- back to what i was told was supposed to be the topic of conversation...
SayHey: motor boating?
Dews: the E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.
shut up-
SayHey: Oh yeh
Dews: no- that is reserved for the press club only
Noodle: well only a matter of time now
9:55 PM SayHey: 5 minutes
JackGonzo: apparently HoosierDaddy is in favor of waxing sayhey
SayHey: LOL nice..........Oh wait, now i got that damn Abe Lincoln on my mind
Thanks Noodle
Dews: aaaaaaallll righty
SayHey: She likes her man silky smoothe
Noodle: haha
9:56 PM Dews: i'm about as far behind in understanding this convo as mccain in the polls
JackGonzo: VA is called for OBAMA!
Noodle: Sweet
Dews: WHAT? really?
SayHey: PHEW
Dews: what network?
JackGonzo: Comedy Central
Dews: ...checking now...
9:57 PM JackGonzo: So how many times have you motorboated RavenFan tonight?
Dews: no se.
SayHey: RavenFan?
Dews: Hi Clint. This is Blakeley
SayHey: hahaha
JackGonzo: LMAO
even better
SayHey: Clints been drinkin to many White Russions
Dews: NOT. Jeffery Morrison
9:58 PM Noodle: is morrison still awake?"
Dews: Well, the dude does have good taste...
he's next to me...
who is next to ashley-
SayHey: CNN called VA for Obama
Dews: VA
Noodle: wo hoo
9:59 PM i should be out celebrating
SayHey: Me to, damnit i need to drink to get drunk
JackGonzo: No No, he's missed our conversation about Dews and his obsession with motoboating
I'm only on white russian number three
SayHey: LOL, Apparently SDFan is not a famn
JackGonzo: in my nats beer cup
a fan?
10:00 PM of?
SayHey: Motor boating
Since someone never heard of the term, cough cough
JackGonzo: o.0 how can he not be a fan, how can anyone not be a fan and be male?
Dews: CNN
Noodle: hey supposedly there is this place better than hooters out here with better food
JackGonzo: hell I even know gay men who love motorboating
10:01 PM JackGonzo: twisted kilt?
Dews: THERE are MORE important ISSUES
JackGonzo: Comedy Central just called it
SayHey: Byyyyyaaaaaaaaah
10:02 PM JackGonzo: damn near in tears now
10:03 PM SayHey: 8 years of misery man, i feel a huge burden lifted
Jeff has left
SayHey: Turns out Florida was a waste of time
JackGonzo: Riggle looks like James right now
10:04 PM SayHey: Now we need to get the magic 60
Then the master plan is complete
10:05 PM Jeff has joined
JackGonzo: <---is wondering what is going on with daily show
10:09 PM well...the day has finally come gentlemen
10:11 PM SayHey: Yes, lets enjoy this moment
JackGonzo: McCain apparently has called Obama and conceded
Noodle: yes taking it all in
10:12 PM SayHey: I spent 8 years of my youth pissed off, now i can be happy for a change
10:13 PM Dews: Yes
JackGonzo: wait...has anyone checked the pity party on Fox?
Noodle: Bush you're fired!
SayHey: LOL
I want McMann to fire him
JackGonzo: wow...Rove is on Foxx
10:14 PM SayHey: Rove knows he is going to jail now
JackGonzo: wow...Rove is giving obama onair felacio
Dews: checking now...
Noodle: co to obama
SayHey: LOL
Dews: Perkins says Rove predicted this...
JackGonzo: oh yeah
10:15 PM he knew mccain was fuckin up
lot of the old school repubs did
SayHey: In the end, i think it was Palin that was the final nail in the coffin
Noodle: mccain to speak in a few minutes
Dews: Wow-
I hope someone wlese is listening b/c the House is a bit loud.
Noodle: yeah i think so too
JackGonzo: not the bush ones, the old school ones like buchanan
SayHey: Ok, the misses wants to spend some time with me
Gotta go
10:16 PM One hell of a night, ladies and gents
JackGonzo: lol ah celebration in the jewish household
SayHey: One hell of a night
Dews: tell herhello
SayHey: haha
Dews: haha
JackGonzo: just make sure you make her call you jay snoogins
Noodle: haha nite Eric.. i'm rick James Bitch, it's a celebration
Dews: what's that song
JackGonzo: well we shall end this tonight
Eric has left
10:17 PM Dews: hava nagila
JackGonzo: it has been what wee have been fighting for for the last two years
and it has happened
Dews: it's going to be a loudcelebration
Damn straight
Noodle: mccain in any moment
JackGonzo: fuckin a
fox i showing jesse jackson bawling
Dews: yes clint?
10:18 PM JackGonzo: so, do we have an inauguration party?
Dews: yea
Fucking Palin
killed it
10:19 PM JackGonzo: saying goodbye to dubya and hello to barack
Noodle: yup dagger
JackGonzo: obama's group looks like a bunch of date rapists
errr mccain
10:20 PM Jeff has left
JackGonzo: well, we don't need to say this much longer as we no longer need the luck, but good night and good luck
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